Copyright © 1998–2020 by A. Miyoshi
SSUMES - Installation
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SSUMES - Installation

  1. Change directory to where has been copied.
  2. Unzip as:
    For unpacking, you may use other tools, such as the built-in tool on Windows (ME or later), if you do not have unzip.
  3. SSUMES source files are unpacked in the newly created directory ./ssumes/source.
  4. SSUMES sample input files can be found in ./ssumes/sample.
  5. Modified UNIMOL source files are unpacked in the newly created directory ./ssumes/unimol.
  6. HTML document files can be found in ./ssumes/doc.
Building SSUMES components
* Skip this and next part, and go to MS-Windows binaries when you are to use compiled binary for MS-Windows.
  1. Change directory to newly created directory ssumes/source.
  2. Investigate sample makefiles and edit one if necessary to fit your environment and platform. Followings are short descriptions of sample make files:
    makeGnu.make for GNU compilers on Unix-like platforms
    makeGnuLB.make for GNU compilers on Unix-like platforms with prebuilt LAPACK/BLAS
    makeGnuUbuntu.make for GNU compilers on WSL Ubuntu
    makeIntelLinux.make for Intel compilers on Linux
    makeIntelWin.make for Intel compilers on MS-Windows
  3. Build (compile and link) using the makefile as;
    make -f makefile-name
    for Unix-like platforms including Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS on MS-Windows, or
    nmake -f makefile-name
    for genuine Intel compilers for MS-Windows.
  4. Remove the intermediate files by;
    (n)make -f makefile-name clean
Building UNIMOL components
  1. Change directory to newly created directory ssumes/unimol.
  2. Investigate sample makefiles and edit one if necessary to fit your environment and platform.
  3. Build (compile and link) using the makefile as;
    make -f makefile-name
    for Unix platforms including Cygwin on MS-Windows, or
    nmake -f makefile-name
    for genuine Intel compilers for MS-Windows.
  4. Remove the intermediate files by;
    (n)make -f makefile-name clean
MS-Windows binaries
  1. For MS-Windows, for which the building tools are not provided with the system, pre-built binary files may be useful.   Unpack the prebuilt MS-Windows binaries as:
    or by other unzip tools.
  2. Binary executable files can be found in ./ssumes-win32-binary.
  3. The binary package does not contain the sample files nor documentation.   Unpack the source package according to the Unpacking instruction on top of this page.

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