Copyright © 2002–2025 by A. Miyoshi
thermNASA - Installation
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thermNASA - Installation

  When you are to use Windows binaries, skip first two steps (Unpacking and Building) and proceed to Windows binaries.


  1. Change directory to where has been copied.
  2. Unzip as;
  3. thermNASA source files are unpacked in the newly created directory ./thermNASA/source.
  4. thermNASA sample input files can be found in ./thermNASA/sample.
  5. HTML document files can be found in ./thermNASA/doc.


  1. Change directory to thermNASA/source created when thermNASA source files are unpacked. (step-3 of above)
  2. Investigate the sample makefiles, choose one, and edit it to fit your environment, if necessary.  Followings are short descriptions of sample makefiles.
    makeGnu.make  for GNU compilers on Unix-like platforms
    makeIntel64oapiLinux.make  for Intel oneAPI 2025 & leter on Linux
    makeIntel64oapiWin.make  for Intel oneAPI 2025 & leter on Windows
    makeIntelLinux.make  for Intel compilers on Linux
    makeIntelWin.make  for Intel compilers on Windows
  3. On Unix-like platforms, build executables by 'make' as
    make -f makefile-name
    On genuine Windows development environment, use 'nmake' command as
    nmake -f makefile-name
  4. Remove temporary files as
    (n)make -f makefile-name clean
  5. Install executable files as
    (n)make -f makefile-name install

Windows binaries

  For Windows, pre-built binary files may be useful since no building tool is supplied with the operating system.   It should be noted that thermNASA tools should be used in [Command Prompt] on Windows.   If you are new to the [Command Prompt], first learn how to use it.   See, for example, Command Prompt Basics.
  1. Unpack the Windows binaries ( by using the built-in tool on Windows or other unpacking tools if you like.
  2. Binary executable files can be found in the folder, thermNASA-win32-binary.   Note that the location of this folder depends on how you unpack.
  3. Unpack the source package ( to use sample input files.   Move the binary executable files into thermNASA folder which is the default location of the executables.

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