Copyright © 1998–2025 by A. Miyoshi
SSUMES reference manual - introduction to SSUMES

SSUMES reference manual - introduction to SSUMES

  The SSUMES program package consists of steady-state and time-dependent solvers of the master-equation for unimolecular dissociation, recombination, and complex-forming (or chemically-activated) reactions.   It is mainly designed to calculate the steady-state rate coefficients for the gas-phase reactions, which are required for the modeling of reaction systems such as combustion and atmospheric photooxidation reactions.   For those who are mostly interested in the time-dependent solutions to the master-equation, it is recommended to consider to use the MultiWell Program Suite by Prof. John R. Barker and co-workers rather than SSUMES.
DISEIG solver
  The master equation for the multiple-well multiple-channel reactions can be represented as,
The solver, diseig, solves the eigenvalue problem,
by using LAPACK DSYEVR after symmetrizing the matrix.   According to the least-negative eigenvalue hypothesis, the rate coefficients are calculated from the eigenvector corresponding to the least-negative eigenvalue.
DISLIT solver
  For the multiple-well reactions, the steady-state dissociation described by eq (4) is not always the solution needed.   For the system with fairly high barrier between the isomers (wells), sometimes, the solution needed is rather represented by,
.     (5)
This corresponds to the situation that the only one isomer (well-1) is dominantly produced in the reaction system, but the isomerization reactions are not so fast.   The solver, dislit, calculates the steady-state distribution, n1,ss for eq (5) by iterative procedure, (6), starting from an initial guess, n1(0).
The initial guess is the Boltzmann distribution for the highest pressure at one temperature, and the converged vector was used for the initial guess for the next pressure.   Thus the calculation is always done from higher pressure to lower pressure, and the choice of the starting pressure may affect the results in some cases.
  The dislit solver is also useful to obtain the steady-state solution (4).   At some condition, especially in the mutiple-well reactions, the least-negative eigenvalue is not always the solution needed.   This can be observed as the hop of the rate coefficients and distribution during the pressure scans.   For such cases, the iterative procedure, (7), can be used to obtain the distribution from an initial guess.
In other words, the distribution thus obtained does not necessarily correspond to the least-negative eigenvalue.   The LAPACK DSYSV is used to solve the linear equations (6) or (7).
CARATE solver
  The solver, carate, solves the master equation for chemically activated reaction, assuming the steady-state,
by solving the linear equation system,
The LAPACK DSYSV is used to solve the linear equation (9).
CATIME solver
  The solver, catime, calculates the time-dependent solution to the master equation for chemically activated reaction,
for constant flux condition: kin = const. and n(t = 0) = 0; and for the initial value condition: kin = 0 and n(t = 0) = r.   The LSODES in ODEPACK is used to solve (10).