Physical Constants & Units Conversion
A. Miyoshi
A. Miyoshi
Here, a brief summary of physical constants based on Eite Tiesinga, Peter J. Mohr, David B. Newell, and Barry N. Taylor (2024), "The 2022 CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants" (Web Version 9.0). Database developed by J. Baker, M. Douma, and S. Kotochigova. Available at, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. is shown. For detail, see, Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST.
π | 3.14159265358979323846 |
Symbol | Value | Unit | Rel. std. uncert. |
Quantity | |
c | 299 792 458 (= 2.997 924 58×108) | m s−1 | exact | speed of light in vacuum | |
G | 6.674 30(15)×10−11 | m3 kg−1 s−2 | 2.2×10−5 | Newtonian constant of gravitation | |
h | 6.626 070 15×10−34 | J Hz−1 | exact | Planck constant | |
e | 1.602 176 634×10−19 | C | exact | elementary charge | |
μ0 | 1.256 637 061 27(20)×10−6 | N A−2 | 1.6×10−10 | vacuum magnetic permeability | 4παħ / e2c |
ε0 | 8.854 187 8188(14)×10−12 | F m−1 | 1.6×10−10 | vacuum electric permittivity | 1 / μ0c2 |
me | 9.109 383 7139(28)×10−31 | kg | 3.1×10−10 | electron mass | |
α | 7.297 352 5643(11)×10−3 | – | 1.6×10−10 | fine-structure constant | e2 / 4πε0ħc |
cR∞ | 3.289 841 960 2500(36)×1015 | Hz | 1.1×10−12 | Rydberg frequency | α2mec2 / 2h = Eh / 2h |
R∞ | 10 973 731.568 157(12) (= 1.097 373 156 8160×107) |
m−1 | 1.1×10−12 | Rydberg constant | α2mec / 2h |
k | 1.380 649×10−23 | J K−1 | exact | Boltzmann constant | |
NA | 6.022 140 76×1023 | mol−1 | exact | Avogadro constant | |
mu | 1.660 539 068 92(52)×10−27 | kg | 3.1×10−10 | atomic mass constant | |
Mu | 1.000 000 001 05(31)×10−3 | kg mol−1 | 3.1×10−10 | molar mass constant | |
M(12C) | 12.000 000 0126(37)×10−3 | kg mol−1 | 3.1×10−10 | molar mass of carbon-12 |
Symbol | Value | Unit | Rel. std. uncert. |
Quantity | |
ħ | ~ 1.054 571 818×10−34 | J s | exact | h / 2π | |
R | ~ 8.314 462 618 | J K−1 mol−1 | exact | molar gas constant | NA k |
F | ~ 96 485.332 12 (= 9.648 533 212×104) | C mol−1 | exact | Faraday constant | NA e |
μB | 9.274 010 0657(29)×10−24 | J T−1 | 3.1×10−10 | Bohr magneton | eħ / 2me |
a0 | 5.291 772 105 44(82)×10−11 | m | 1.6×10−10 | Bohr radius | α / 4πR∞ |
Eh | 4.359 744 722 2060(48)×10−18 | J | 1.1×10−12 | Hartree energy | 2hcR∞ |
Derived Quatity | Symbol | Expression in terms of other SI units |
Expression in terms of SI base units |
electric charge | C | A s | |
electric potential | V | J C−1 | m2 kg s−3 A−1 |
electric capacitance | F | C V−1 | m−2 kg−1 s4 A2 |
Celsius temperature | °C | θ / °C + 273.15 ≡ T / K |
Quantity | |
standard acceleration of gravity | 9.806 65 m s−2 |
pressure | 1 bar ≡ 105 Pa |
1 atm ≡ 101 325 Pa | |
1 Torr ≡ 1 / 760 atm ~ 133.322 3684 Pa | |
energy | 1 cal ≡ 4.184 J |
cross section | 1 b (barn) ≡ 1 × 10−28 m2 |