Copyright © 2002–2022 by A. Miyoshi
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GPOP : Gaussian post processor

  GPOP (acronym for Gaussian POst Processor) is a collection of post processing software tools for Gaussian and MOLPRO, for the estimation of thermodynamics and rate constants for gas-phase compounds and reactions.
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Reference Manuals

Basic Introduction
Structure of GPOP
gpop1scf Preprocesses a Gaussian SCF/DFT-level frequency job output.   It extracts essential results needed by the other GPOP components and stores them in a GPOP format file.
gpop2mlp Preprocesses a MOLPRO frequency job output.   It extracts essential results needed by the other GPOP components and stores them in a GPOP format file.
gpop3tst Modifies a GPOP format file using information provided in a '.mod' file containing the energy, internal rotor specifications, etc.
gpop3atm Generates GPOP format file for an atomic species
Thermodynamics & rate constant calculation
gpop4thf Calculates thermodynamic functions
tstrate Calculates rate constants for a reaction
vtst Calculates rate constants for a barrierless reaction by VTST
prepum Creates UNIMOL RRKM input
Diagnostics and analysis
gpop5vib Generates animation files for vibrational modes (compatible with FreeWheel only. This program is no longer maintained.)
gpop6irt Calculates reduced moment of inertia and corresponding rotational constant of an internal rotor required by the programs like BEx1D.
gpop6mrt Calculates reduced moments of inertia of internal rotors and possible coupling between them
introt Similar to gpop6mrt but can be used without GPOP format files