Copyright © 2004–2016 by A. Miyoshi
BEx1D - Installation
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BEx1D - Installation

  When you are to use Windows binaries, skip the step Building and proceed to Windows binaries.

Unpacking source distribution

  1. Change directory to where has been copied.
  2. Unzip as;
  3. Source files are unpacked in the newly created directory ./bex1d/source.
  4. Sample input files can be found in ./bex1d/sample.


  1. Change directory to bex1d/source created by unpacking the source files. (step-3 of above)
  2. Investigate sample makefiles and edit one if necessary to fit your environment and platform. Followings are short descriptions of the sample make files:
    makeGnu.make  for GNU compilers (GCC4) on Unix-like platforms including Cygwin and MinGW+MSYS
    makeGnu3.make  for GNU compilers (GCC3) on Unix-like platforms
    makeIntelLinux.make  for Intel compilers on Linux
    makeIntelWin.make  for Intel compilers on Windows
  3. On Unix-like platforms, build executables using a makefile as
    make -f makefile-name
    On genuine Windows development environment, use 'nmake' command as
    nmake -f makefile-name
  4. Remove temporary files as:
    (n)make -f makefile-name clean

Windows binaries

For Microsoft Windows, for which the building tools are not provided with the system, pre-built binary files are also distributed. Use them as follows:

  1. Unpack the pre-built Windows binaries as;
  2. Binary files as well as the sample input files are unpacked in the newly created directory ./bex1d.
  3. It should be noted that, even when to use Windows binary only, the source package should be unpacked to use sample files in ./bex1d/sample.


  1. No 'install' target is described in the makefiles.   Move or copy the binaries, and/or set path to where they reside, according to your preference or the system default.

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